The maternal side of my family has strong Sicilian heritage… and recipes. Italian food wasn’t in short supply in our home while growing up.
Therefore, I was curious when I came across my German great grandmother’s recipe for “Real Spaghetti Sauce.” I glanced over the ingredients and decided that it had great potential to be yummy. Tonight I cooked it up, and… well… Ottie made a good sauce! While it was simmering, my pa said it smelled very familiar. He wonders if perhaps his mother made it a few times when he was a kid.
The only part of the recipe I changed was the mushrooms; I replaced each can with six fresh mushrooms. Another time I used the canned mushrooms, and they were yummy also. In the future, I would slice the carrot and leave it in the sauce (Ottie removed it with the bell pepper).
(Since I first posted this recipe, we’ve made this sauce several more times. It’s now a welcome option among my other pasta sauce recipes)
(I apologize for the missing photo; this recipe is among the many that need to be made and re-photographed)